“How?” you must be asking. How could giant robot dinosaurs be any cooler? We’ll tell you. Giant dinosaurs who wear armor, effectively wearing a Mecha suit, and fighting other giant robots. These are the incredible creatures of a new series premiering next year, Armored Saurus. Watch the trailer below and you’ll see what we mean.

A Triceratops mecha with giant rattling guns on its back.Dozens of purple pterodactyl mecha.Mech armor being driven by cars That mech armor then breaks apart and forms over the dinosaurs, seemingly allowing humans to “pilot” an actual dinosaur.Spider looking mecha?T-Rex mech stomping through solar panels. WHO NEEDS RENEWABLE ENERGY?T-Rex mech biting down on a mecha mammoth’s trunk and using it to annihilate another mecha mammoth.A dino mech extending, like, six giant swords out of itself to slice open an enemy.

This show looks incredible! It could have the worst plot ever but getting a TV show with that level of animation with THOSE mechs? Sign us up! The Megazords are but a distant memory now. We only care about Armored Saurus! (Which is a fantastic name.) Hailing from StudioEon and Daewon Media, this Korean series is set to premiere in July 2021 with 26 episodes planned. The show looks to be all green screened with the actors mostly working in a giant green screen set. You can see more of that in a nifty making-of video, which also gives us a description of the series as well. The main characters are making friends with the (somehow?) still alive dinosaurs AND pilot them? Watch out Power Rangers, you have some competition!