Walker Episode 6

Walker’s “Bar None” gives us way too much teenage drama when the focus should be on Emily’s death and those behind it. Seriously, Stella is gearing to win the most self centered award on this show. Who thinks that inviting a boy the family doesn’t know is a good idea during the family camping trip for a dead parent? Stella, that’s who. Stella’s annoyance at her grandmother’s hesitation was in itself annoying. Abby is protecting her family. She doesn’t know Trent or Trevor, whatever his name is. And she doesn’t have to trust him off the bat because Stella thinks he’s a dreamboat. Plus it’s the anniversary of the death of their mother and valued family member and all Stella can think about is a boy? Maybe Stella is trying to distract herself from the glaring problems staring her in the face. Or maybe she’s a teenager who thinks with their heart instead of using their brain. And while a healthy balance of Cordell Walker and his kids has worked before, it doesn’t work at this time. Not one bit. In fact, it makes for a distraction no one wants except Stella. Talking about Walkers, Cordell initially refusing to let the bar be sold…felt childish. Grief is something that must be dealt with on an individual case by case basis. No one can force it’s hand or will it to go away. “Bar None” puts that sentiment front and center as Walker runs away with it. He even ends up destroying the bar Emily loved in a touching tribute to her legacy. Which again, hints of childish with a sprinkling of pride and loss. If it wasn’t for Mickie, Walker’s development would’ve been lackluster in “Bar None.” She not only deals with her own issues related to her mother; she prepares her partner for having to cross paths with her. This leads to some charged moments that are the furthest thing from sexual tension. They are just tension filled moments born out of a need to challenge Walker at every turn he takes.  This challenge leads to a deeper connection between Mickie and Walker that is grounded in friendship aka something TV shows don’t think often enough about. Because these two two can and will be friends, maybe family one day, if they keep going down the path that they’re currently on. Personally it’s a welcome shift from what TV likes to do when it comes to anyone who has a spark of connection.