Titans Season 2 Episode 2

Picking up three months after “Trigon,” the second episode of Titans Season 2, “Rose,” is a tight story that sets up new mysteries, and introduces fresh threats – making it feel more like a premiere than last week’s installment. Straightaway, it’s worth mentioning how the action has benefited by jumping forward a few months. The team is in training, and while there remains tension, cohesion is setting in. Teagan Croft appears more settled as Rachel, and as a result, the character is more likable – even though we do see the darkness that continues to haunt her. Ryan Potter’s Gar and Curran Walters’ Jason work as squabbling teammates, and their sparring scene is fun, even if Gar is the weaker link at the moment.  Meanwhile, Dick (Brenton Thwaites)  as the eldest Titan is a patient older brother/leader to the crew. On that note, the phone call home to Bruce (Iain Glen) – interrupted from researching … what, exactly? — was heartening. Bruce wasn’t the best father figure, but his intention of giving Dick a target for his anger makes sense. And now his young ward needs advice on dealing with his own angry child – Rose Wilson. read more: A Guide to DC Animated Movies Speaking of the bad Doctor, I am stoked to see the villain introduced on Titans. So far he isn’t rocking his comic-book baddie threads, but the visual of him powering up with subdermal circuitry (rather than having costume-based powers) is pretty cool. Also, this version of light seems to be able to turn humans into bombs, which makes him especially nasty. Although we’re certain to get backstory on who this classic character is, I appreciate that he is dropped right into this world as an old, familiar adversary of the Titans. It adds to the pre-history of the show.  I’d be remiss to mention, Selinda Flinders/Shimmer (Hanneke Talbot) is likewise an old foe of the Titans, and went on to be part of the Fearsome Five – alongside Doctor Light. Shimmer’s takedown at the hands of Donna and Kory was an episode highlight. Conor Leslie and Anna Diop have excellent chemistry together, whether they’re bantering about jelly donuts and tacos, music, or teaming up with super powers. Honestly, I’d watch a show with just these two.  And I really want them to have tacos together, so hopefully that mysterious Tamaranean won’t take Kory away from the action for too long. However, I am very intrigued about Donna’s call with Roy Harper.  If Donna and Kory aren’t headed to Titans Tower in San Francisco just yet, Hank and Dawn are, and the two lovebirds seemed destined to never have a peaceful little life. Yes, part of that is due to Doctor Light’s return, and subsequent murder of the teen addict Hank is sponsoring. But we learn that Dawn enjoys the vigilante life as Dove, and only quit because Hank couldn’t cut it. She hung up the super-suit for him, for a time, at least. “Rose” is a promising season premiere episode – even if it wasn’t technically a premiere — and served its characters well with a brief time jump. Now, would someone get Dick a Nightwing costume already? Keep up with Titans season 2 news and reviews here.