Fortunately, the new novel Star Wars: Brotherhood returns readers to a slightly longer long time ago, before everything went so wrong for Kenobi. Written by Mike Chen and set shortly after Attack of the Clones, the novel follows Obi-Wan and Anakin’s investigation into terrorist activity on Cato Neimoidia, a hub world in the Trade Federation. Not yet the loner he will become, Obi-Wan has many allies to turn to, including an Episode II favorite. In an excerpt from Brotherhood published by io9, Obi-Wan stops by his favorite 1950’s-style diner for a slice of cake and some sound advice from his old pal, Dexter Jettster. While Obi-Wan remains convinced of the Jedi’s mission and purity, Dex brings the perspective of a Besalisk on the street, less enamored with the Jedi. As the excerpt indicates, Chen has perfectly captured the relationship Dex and Obi-Wan showed during the character’s first appearance in Attack of the Clones. Even though many Star Wars locations are deeply indebted to George Lucas’ childhood haunts and interests, Dex’s Diner struck some early detractors as something more at home in American Graffiti than in Coruscant’s CoCo Town. But the affable four-armed proprietor, originally voiced by Ronald Falk, quickly won over skeptics and became one of the Prequel Trilogy’s more popular characters. Will Dex’s triumphant return mean that we’ll see him soon in live action? While there’s no official word, it wouldn’t be out of the question. Many pre-Disney characters have been reintegrated into the new canon over the past few years, most notably Ahsoka Tano and Cad Bane from the Clone Wars series. As public opinion continues to become more favorable toward the Prequels, and Star Wars series continue to embrace their past, chances increase that we’ll once again see beloved oddities like Dex. Recent rumors of Liam Neeson’s return as Qui-Gon Jinn, as well as Samuel L. Jackson’s interest in a Mace Windu series, only increase the likelihood. But until then, we’ll have Brotherhood to hold us over when it releases on May 10, followed by the premier of Obi-Wan Kenobi on May 27. Check out the full schedule of upcoming Star Wars movies and TV series here.