“Christopher Nolan is known for his mind-bending movies. As someone who considers herself a Nolan bro, I am very excited for his upcoming film Oppenheimer, which is based on Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer, and the film will star Cillian Murphy as Robert Oppenheimer, the man many refer to as the ‘father of the atomic bomb.’” Read more at The Mary Sue Two lucky winners will receive (2) Tickets for The Ocean at the End of the Lane! (MUST BE IN THE U.K. TO WIN) “The Oscar broadcast has cut eight awards presentations from its live line-up—including craft categories like Production Design, Film Editing, and Sound that have often been where science fiction and fantasy films have found their most success.” Read more at Gizmodo While the film was a glowing success after its release, the on-set relationship between stars Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron while shooting Max Mad: Fury Road was not as steady. “Kyle Buchanan’s new oral history book, Blood, Sweat & Chrome: The Wild And True Story Of Mad Max: Fury Road, delves into the, at times, excruciating work in front of and behind the camera needed to bring George Miller’s vision to life. However, the book also details some of the tense relationships between members of the cast—including the strained relationship between Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron.” Read more at The A.V. Club “The return of Palpatine is no longer a surprise, but now a perpetual possibility for the future of Star Wars. According to a possible leak from Mr. Palps himself — Ian McDiarmid — there’s a very real chance we could see Darth Sidious in a new Star Wars project soon. But which one? Here’s how Palpatine could return (again) and why, unlike The Rise of Skywalker, these hypothetical comebacks could make sense.” Read more at Inverse They take their trading cards seriously in Japan. So serious, in fact, that the law had to intervene with this one shop owner selling counterfeit cards. “The proprietor of retro game shop, Alive Yokkaichi Tokiwa Store in Mie, Japan, was taken into police custody for allegedly selling a fake Pokémon card for around 2,200 yen ($19). The store’s 48-year-old owner Yukinori Harada was arrested for allegedly violating Japanese copyright law.” Read more at Kotaku “Most visitors who leave the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., via the ramp near the northwest tower don’t realize that evil incarnate is bearing down on them. No, it’s not the devil—it’s Darth Vader.” Read more at Mental Floss