In celebration of the 15th anniversary of Avatar: The Last Airbender, LootCrate gave us a first look at their new limited edition Avatar Capsule Collection. Four of the shirts feature the bending animals associated with the four elements:

Fire – DragonsAir – Sky BisonEarth – BadgermolesWater – The Moon (represented by Koi)

Lastly, the fifth design is of the White Lotus, the international hidden alliance of wise and skilled elders who make their presence known in Book Three of the show. The tees will ship starting in January 2021. Individual shirts are $25 plus shipping and handling. You can get a discount on all five shirts if you buy them together for a total of $100. You can find the collection here! Avatar: The Last Airbender stands out amongst the giants in many ways, but chiefly due to the world building and level of detail in every aspect. The world of Avatar feels like a place one could actually exist, and the mechanic of “bending” the four elements tickles the imagination. Who HASN’T seen it and wanted to air bend at least once?   In May, it was added to Netflix US, giving fans a chance to relive the adventure, but also introduce it to a new generation as well. Needless to say, the Avatar audience is larger and more energetic than ever before… which is why fans are sure to be excited with LootCrate’s limited edition tees.